Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Random Pictures from this Year

i have not stopped since school started in January. Here are some things i did.

ok this is actually december, guess i haven't stopped since then.

the "when" was bc i was HAVING FUN and confused about the fact that my mom thought i would go to church, with her, while the saints were playing. also, i forgot ppl go to church on sundays. and also probably that it was even sunday.

this is the last time we were all seen together as a fam. most of us were tipsy.

see what i mean?

theresa's bday

this is one of my favorites

cabby didn't understand me or know where wilson was.

blustery NYC


central park w. vick and gig. then lots of bars. great time.




sharkbait ooo ha ha!

my townhouse almost burned down. twice in 4 days. compliments of voluspa and bic. it ruined a very old newspaper clip of my best friend and me from around '91. thoroughly sad and pissed and scared.

painted my dumb kitchen

there was an ice storm. it was miserable.

so we made cookies and tea and watched Life all afternoon.

apparently it was 75* the day before said storm. then it was 90* in mid-march and now it's 50* in mid may. GLOBAL WARMING AT IT'S MOST MANIC.

a most unkind lizzard sir made camp in my closet. this was the moment i realized i was becoming a city wuss.