Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ahr-tik-yuh-lit v. ahr-tik-yuh-leyt

i am always talking about how i wish i was more articulate. "using language easily and fluently; having facility with words: an articulate speaker." in my mind this means i so wish i could put down on paper more craftily and seamlessly the thoughts sling-shooting themselves around in my nonsensical brain.

in short, i want to ahr-tik-yuh-leyt (express, formulate, and present with clarity and effectiveness) my thoughts more eloquently.

i already know i'm ahr-tik-yuh-lit (able to speak clearly in distinct syllables). thanks, Sacred Heart.

other words that come to mind:

loquacious- lovely word for (oftentimes, in my book) not so lovely people

capricious- if only this word were slightly less compulsive-female and more mischievous, whimsical, unconventional gypsy

hackneyed- say the word "significance" 20 times. ya see?

verisimilitude- i just like it, ok?

ethos- who needs a stereotype when you have an ethos.... ah, pat harris.

ethereal- all things ethereal are good. and i don't mean a solution containing (C2H5)2O, although i do love low boiling points and fire.

ébouriffant- Incroyable, extraordinaire

dénouement- so....[post]climactic

carte blanch- that's what's up

double entendre- i like you just because you're cleaver enough to do it. hopefully sexually.

unctuous- love the way the phonetics make me hate the people

chagrin- because embarrassing is embarrassing, but "much to her chagrin..." yep.

i have tons of other words i love. but i'm sleepy.


  1. This post was originally a thought about the first chapter of Dorian Gray.

    See what i mean?!?!?!?!?! fuuuuuuuuuh

  2. melee! i like the word melee, too!
