Wednesday, August 25, 2010

repressed memory

hey, remember those days when i had that job where i couldn't text or make phone calls or listen to music and i had to worry about whether or not my dress was 3.00001" above my knee and got a cold every day from the sub-zero temp of the office and didn't talk to anyone all day and made less money than i've ever made in 7 years...? yeah, me either.

Pros of grad school and grad assistantship:
~medical insurance
~undergrad loan deferred
~really amazing department head
~really interesting classes (for the most part)
~seeing my 2nd family on a daily basis
~talk/text phone allowance
~talking to real live people around me at my discretion
~50 iMacs at my disposal
~working on graphic design/Festival Acadiens/ iPhone apps
~ooooOOOOOOOOO time to READ BOOKS?!?!?!?!
~20 hours a week to make money ($2600 + $750/month) while studying (≈$20.00/hr)
~my brain is going to WORK again
~my brain is going to WORK again

i just have to say the squeaky wheel gets the oil (within angry, bitch-mode reason) and i love dean pratt.

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