Saturday, February 6, 2010


bonjour mes amis!

at the request of a few people i have decided to start a blog. this means i will probably post about 5 things, then forget about it. but, nevertheless, here it is.

this is something i did (yes, on fb) a little over a year ago i guess when katherine sent it to me. i figured it was fitting, being that this is my first post and these are things about my life/personality/sentiments. enjoy...?

about me:

1. sometimes i am extremely socially awkward. if i am out and i seem rude/weird it's because i can't socially function that day. i know, i shouldn't be out, but i will be anyway.

2. things like farmers markets and small boutiques/flea markets/thrift stores and outdoor shows and drive in movies and camping and ponds and being out of doors and my family make me overwhelmingly, can't-touch-this happy.

malinalco, mexico
rocky mountain ntnl park
the pond

3. Ahhhhhhhh, the night sky. Ahhhhhhhh.

4. music makes me supremely happy. in the words of the great Grayson Dudd "music is amazing and transcendental and i think life would be dreadful without it. i can't wait for technology that creates personal soundtrack's for life's situations." feel free to let me in on any bands or songs that you yourself may enjoy. i can never get enough music. there is a gaping void in my heart and soul that only music can fill. i play my music WAY too loud. i like it that way. sometimes i think about getting in my car just to turn the music up and roll the windows down and sing along. i think a little bit lower about people who restrict themselves to today's pop music. i throw up in my mouth when i think about it.

5. i don't like to capitalize i's whenever i type or handwrite things. this may or may not come from my intense love for ee cummings. i have recently thought about legally changing my name to all lowercase letters as a celebratory expression of this love.

6. i think about existence more than i should. i wish more people truly loved learning. even if it were just a smidgen more. i wish we were more enlightened as to why we're truly here and how we can make the most of ourselves and of life. i sometimes wonder why the general population is so collectively lame. why are the norms the norms? why is pop music popular? (ick) why do so many people fill there lives with things of such little value? i'm not claiming to have overcome the culture, but i think it has very little of real substance to offer and there are so many better ways of doing things and filling one's time.

7. i am extremely inarticulate. i really appreciate those people who are articulate and witty and write great music/poetry/etc. i am a sucker for the magical realism of isabel allende and gabriel garcia marquez.

8. i like to read. a lot. i don't get to it as much as i would like to. also, it makes me fall asleep. that being said, it takes a while for me to get through some books (atlas shrugged, grr). also, my mind wanders considerably when i read. i can read through pages and pages and at the same time be thinking of something totally unrelated before i realize i'm still "reading" but have no idea what i just read. this pisses me off a lot.

9. i just want to travel.

10. there is a big yellow barn in Grand Coteau. one day, it will be mine to live in.

11. i have a horrible speeding problem. my comfortable speed is 95mh. somehow, i always end up on this number.

12. i love to cook. it is therapeutic. i don't like cooking for other people. it makes me nervous.

13. if the weather is nice, there is a 99.6% chance that i'm in a great mood.

14. i have no idea where i'll really end up and what i'll really end up doing. i just know i love people and art and music and different cultures.

15. i am pee shy. i will run the water if i even remotely suspect that someone is occupying the same building as me.

16. things that should not be allowed to be discussed at family holiday gatherings:
-how school is going
-what your major is
-what your plans are after school
-if you are dating anyone (did you see someone walk through the fucking door with me?)
-anything to do with politics or religion (the day this happens in my family is the day katherine and i are the oldest ones alive)
*actually, let's not limit this to family gatherings

17. rice is not meant to be a leftover. what is wrong with day-old rice, you ask? a lot.

18. no, i don't have a kid.

19. i need an honest opinion from someone who's not a bitch about tattooing ribs.(still do. also, feel free to pay for it)

20. my parents hate my nose ring. i'm fairly sure that if i died anytime soon they would take it out and make the mortician cover up the gaping hole in my nose with makeup. (they've more than gotten over this since i first wrote this. i don't think they even notice it anymore. however, i'm fairly sure they will still take it out when i'm in my casket, if i die when they're still alive.)

21. when i was younger, i loved the wizard of oz. i was also incredibly bossy. i talked wayyy to much. (there is dvd proof) i even knocked out all of Katherine's front teeth with a see-saw once. that being said, i would also like to say i was a pretty cool kid. i was outside most of the time building tree houses and making things, on the farm, shooting guns, reading. i grew up with the best people anyone could ask for. my friends and sacred heart and their families made my life amazing and probably are the reason i am who i am today. i also won little miss tadpole '89 on personality alone, sans makeup and hairspray.

22. i get caffeine headaches and ocular migraines. the first time i got one my mom thought i was going blind because i was on drugs. i was about 12.

23. i miss a lot of people right now.

24. i think situations are what you make of them. i love people who make their own fun and don't rely on perfect planning. i love people who enjoy simple pleasures.

25. Katherine and i were once waiting for our mom in our suburban while she talked to my dad, who was cutting rice. a worker proceeded to back up over the suburban with a rice truck. as a result i am quite the baby about 18 wheelers. when at all possible i pass them at lightning speed. i gradually started to let go of this fear. then one almost ended my life a couple of years ago on the lake charles bridge and reawakened this fear.

26. i need a random beach trip soon.

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