Thursday, February 18, 2010

Old Shit

old shit
miss it

Thursday, December 21, 2006

destroying christmas cheer, ninja style.
Current mood: accomplished
Since everyone's asking, i feel i owe it. You have to excuse me, i'm not very articulate after a day's work on 2 hours of sleep...

So last night started out like any other night... i had a Christmas party for work and then decided to hang out with the normal-ish crew (minus brookey). Macky, Zack, Guy and i sifted through and weighed our options--destroying christmas cheer, turning the museum lights red with the blood of christmas(shame shame), etc--and we ended up, where else, the Greenroom.

As always, it turned out quite nicely. Pool that i actually didn't do too poorly with, foosball that i *ehem* kicked ass at, good music (regina, boysetsfire,3eb, some song about Mississippi), movie hangman, and lots of friends and family all under one happy roof.

So the night's great enough as it is. Then we get home and decide... no we don't get home. We decide to buy some more alcohol before we get home and we have the privelege of encountering "Darlene" at Cracker Barrel at her all time *best.* i mean, she was at the tip-top of her firecracker-ness(excuse the made up words). i've seen her pretty damn mad at me before, but the attitude she pulled off last night lead me to believe she doesn't get much say-so around the home, if you know what i mean. I laughed with, at, around, and catacorner her, until my ribs hurt like they were fractured from a boxing win against the guy ranked 7th in the nation * ehem :P *...

We make it to Sack's (i think that's your name from now on) but only so far as stepping out of the car onto the half-pavement-half-potholes before we come up with the idea to treck with all of our goodies, duct tape, and dining room chairs and set up camp in the Quad.

Mmm hmmmm, buddy. We make a pit stop at the swamp, where we were almost Lake Placid-ed ( i know, it doesn't work, blame the english language) by Ali. We stealthily cross Hebrard, dodging campus police, who were coming at us in all directions in their little white cars.

We finally make it to the Quad... we drop all of our 1(one) chair that was still with us and goodies (besides the duct tape and alcohol of course) and lay in the little installation of trees that someone so democratically saved for the enjoyment of students awaiting physics/business/math/sociology classes. it's what one might call a sort of '-'tree kiosk'-' (<--rock and roll quotes*).

Anyway, to make a short story even longer, we build a fire. that's right, a real-live campfire. We were almost caught by a man on bike with his little dog, but, like i said before, we are stealthy. quad-ninjas, if you will. (quad here functions as a double entendre- in the sense that we were in fact in a quad and that we, ourselves, were 4(four) beings). Now this may seem, in passing, not really a big deal. But there are pictures and you will be impressed. The adrenaline was flowing.

As the smoke gets thicker and thicker, we begin to feel that our present quad-ninja-status might come to an end. So we do what every good ninja would do and sacrifice our accomplishment for the greater good of ninja-dom.

We had scarecly made it back to base when someone came up with an even more fulfilling and adrenaline-producing feat. CLIMBING THE CRANE THAT LAY DORMANT ON THE ONCE-UL-BAND-PRACTICE-FIELD. You will not understand the magnitude of this feat until you, yourself, pass down Taft St and cower in the mighty shadow of its existence.
The tire-like-contraptions that exist on heavy machinery instead of tires were taller than me. i can't lie, i probably climbed until i was about 40 feet off the ground. but being the wimp that i am about getting down from things ( i have all of these nightmares about getting like 283742039847238 feet up something and then not being able to get down) i climb back down.

Guy and Sack, however, manage the 30-odd minute climb to the TOP.

The TOP. Where there exists a light to warn planes that, yes, something does exist high enough in the atmosphere that could very-well send them to the earth below. All the while i'm laying on a pallet having semi-myocardial infarctions watching the going-ons. So, all in all, the feat occupies-- nay, dominates-- an hour of our time. I hear the view of Lafayette was amazing. Again, to understand the significance of this endeavour, you must realize that one must directly participate in the activity--or at least lay on a pallet looking up at it.

In short, last night was life-changing. For many reasons. YOU should have been there. Or you should at least write a list of seemingly insignificant yet daring/memorable/ninja-esque activities and check at least one off per week of your life. Cause if you're not doing that already... *something philosophical.*
Carpe ninja/randomness-dom!

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