Sunday, March 14, 2010


ok, so this was sarah's birthday 2006, but it was memorable. i ran over her with my car on evangeline thruway.

the trifecta was in full swing- all night studying for anatomy and physiology =lots of adderall, cigarettes, and not getting shit done

jake got really drunk on mardi gras

jacob started climbing trees a lot (and falling out a lot)

we picked a lot of blackberries and honeysuckle

Festival International de Louisiane was amazing (including these guys playing in this picture Balkan Beat Box)

Theresa got some ducks. She spent most of her time trying to get them out of jacob's rice plot and back into their pen. (look how tiny you were, rese!!! i'm tearing up)

jacob's rice and the ducks grew. meanwhile, snakey crept.

first double rainbow i'd ever seen. in destin. remember being really weirded out when we got to jetty east that year, b/c the surf was almost all the way up to the condo, which i had dreamed a year earlier.

BIRTHDAY(this was the start of my birthday not being completely depressing)

Natalia became part of our family!

theresa's mobile. a few of kat and doug's books.

love this one. kat, you had a nose ring. i forgot.

this is why we invest in rolls and rolls of visqueen <--who invented that word?!?!

when the cats are away, the mice will play. in this idiom the cats are lizzard and dilp and the mice are me and rese. i guess they were on a cruise or something.

more playing

she really was this excited

she had no idea this was coming

ok, i realize it looks like rese is getting pummeled with mud in all of these pics, but, i assure you, she got us back.


my little man's 3rd birthday. first birthday without you, meg.

the gang gets back together! party at Natalia's. my old off-campus lunch partner. i miss you, sarah!!

so this is 2003, but i love this picture. lunch behind the jesuit's house.

the summer of the crazies- st. john street house, music, lots of drinking.

the guy in this painting hasn't talked to me since. he's still mad. it was funny.

doo rag sundays started. where have they gone?!?!?

Aurora/Denver with Brooke and her family for a party. On our way to venture down the Colorado River

on the colorado river

Rockies game

i went to meet brooke in br for a party and ended up, instead, at the casino with catherine, drinking in the bathroom and spending $300 of someone else's money.

harvest season!


impromptu beach trip

we decided to decorate the UL library

i miss this a lot

shitty pic, i know. but this is one of my favorite places i found to stay in NO

i bet you a million dollars my dad's cursing

the kiddos

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