Monday, March 22, 2010

2008- the year of travel

definition of procrastination. still one of the best jomon replications.

no idea, but can i take her everywhere with me?


ana's birthday. my famous cake.

teaching her to drive, which she'll prob never do in MX.

the kids: katherine, me, sarah, jacob, theresa

an easter egg hunt, of sorts

sarah cut her ginnard

physics crawfish boil at the meriwether's

[little]luc + colin

kat + doug

luc + jodi, the wolf

there's a crawfish at the bottom of the pool

kat's graduation

end of may tradition at the zB house

big kid

slack line

what's brown and sticky?


when you live somewhere shitty enough, you can paint the ceiling

the woods at sacred heart

dilp at sarah's ring ceremony. he's my fav


me and karen for rick's goodbye. beers and tears.
why aren't we moving?! cause you're wearing a lifejacket

me, by kat, at her going away

makes me smile

father's day tradition, the zB pool

our own 5 year reunion of sorts

sarah, the chemist

smoked meat festival. this picture helped me coin my nickname, large and in charge, because dear god look at me. also, the next day i busted a blood vessel in my eye. i was just so excited that these friends knew those friends.

see what i mean about the excitement thing?!

showing off our grade A (literally, our grades in ballroom dancing) dancing skills


late night

not done yet...not nearly done... but chet raymo's calling. night!

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